How to Increase Your Company’s Online Visibility

Celebrity Gig

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Whether the intent is to grow a business or a personal brand, visibility is, of course, vital. To build a sturdy and consistently growing brand, you must get in front of the right eyes and address the right audiences, but this is far easier said than done. We float in a world saturated with people and brands wanting to stand out, and we go to great lengths to do so. So how can you — possibly with a limited budget, timeframe and bandwidth — grow an online presence… get in front of individuals who might not only love your product but become ambassadors of it?

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Recently, I spoke with a good friend, Jen Gottlieb, a world-class PR consultant and “super connector,” who is now focused on helping entrepreneurs and businesses learn this indispensable skill. She has a book coming out in October of 2023 entitled Be Seen, one that not only aims to train individuals and enterprises on how to be noticed by those around them but also how to recognize yourself as the asset you are.

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