Elon Musk’s New Private Jet Is Something to Behold

Celebrity Gig

Turns out that jet setter Elon Musk is quite the jet collector.

The billionaire (or billion air?) owner of Tesla, Space X, and recently Twitter, has a small fleet of four private — three Gulstreams and one Dassault.

According to a report by news website Austonio, Musk plans to add a new baby to the family. He recently ordered a Gulfstream G700, the latest model from the business jet giant. The plane is expected to be delivered to him in early 2023.

The Gulfstream G700 has an estimated price of $75 million. That sounds like a lot until you compare it to Saudi Prince Al Waleed’s A380, which goes for a breezy $500 million.

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Still, the G700 is something to behold. Gulfstream calls it “the most spacious, innovative, and flexible cabin in the industry.” The galley boasts four living areas, seats up to 19 people, and sleeps up to 13.

Elon Musk's New Private Jet Is Something to Behold

The jet’s Rolls-Royce Pearl engines launch it to speeds of 690 mph and can fly 27.5 hours without refueling.

Elon Musk's New Private Jet Is Something to Behold

Not to be left out, the pilots also enjoy a first-class travel experience. The state-of-the-art flight deck boasts ten touchscreen monitors, heads-up displays like you’d find on a fighter jet, and sidestick controls.

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Musk is sure to put plenty of miles on his new plaything. According to flight records obtained by The Washington Post, he took 250 trips in 2018 across Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. Total miles traveled: 150,000.

Nice wings, bad air

But not everyone is celebrating Musk’s recent purchase. Scientists and environmentalists say the climate impact of these private jets is enormous.

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A 2021 study by Transport & Environment found that just 1% of people cause 50% of global emissions. The math is not difficult to figure out.

Fewer people flying in bigger, carbon-emitting planes disproportionately impact the environment.

Data shows that the wealthiest 10% in the world are responsible for the same amount of carbon dioxide in a year as the poorest 10% are over in more than two decades.

Hopefully, the jet collector’s next purchase will be an electric- or hydrogen-powered jet.


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