Learn the Skills of a Web Developer With This Programmable Dog

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Entry-level programmer salaries can reach $80,000+, which could make hiring a pro out of reach if your business’s budget is tight. Why not tap into your scrappy entrepreneurial vibe and try learning to code yourself?

Learn the Skills of a Web Developer With This Programmable Dog


While that may not be a great long-term plan, it could get you headed in the right direction and prolong some expensive overhead spending. It might even be fun if you give it a whirl with a robotics kit. Petoi Bittle is a palm-sized programmable robot dog. You can use Scratch, C++, and Python to teach it to walk, run, and do tricks, and you could uncover a hidden talent.

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An accessible way to learn to code.

Petoi Bittle is suitable for adults or young learners. You can get it as a kit you’d have to assemble or as a pre-assembled dog ready to have new tricks programmed into it. If you envision your business working with hardware, it may be useful to try assembling Bittle’s five-component system.

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Completely new to coding? Scratch can be a great place to start. Once you’ve got that down, then move on to C++ for more advanced commands before ultimately learning Python, the most popular coding language. If coding skills come naturally, you could kick things up a notch with AI by incorporating your own Raspberry Pi connection (not included with the kit).

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Start learning to use Scratch, C++, and Python.

Whether you need to learn coding to take the next steps for your business, you want to learn more about programming so you’re more informed while hiring a developer, or you’re looking for an activity to take your mind off of work, this Kickstarter-funded programmable dog is worth a second look. Get the assembly-required Petoi Bittle Robotics Kit for $329, or pick up the pre-assembled kit for $339.

Prices subject to change.


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