Hours after celebrating birthday, Sola Kosoko welcomes baby boy

Celebrity Gig

Nollywood actress, Sola Kosoko who just celebrated her 43rd birthday on Saturday, January 7 has welcomed a bouncing baby boy.Hours after celebrating birthday, Sola Kosoko welcomes baby boy

The daughter of veteran Nollywood actor, Jide Kosoko took to her Instagram page to share a lovely photo of her son, while expressing gratitude to God for adding another tiny feet to her family. She wrote:

“Hurray Hurray Hurray!!!! My Prince charming has arrived. Celebrate with me once again as i welcome my son. God has been faithful and I do not take His faithfulness for granted. Glory be to God Almighty.”

WITHIN NIGERIA recalls another actress daughter of Prince Jide Kosoko, Bidemi welcomed a daughter in May 2022.

The actor excitedly announced on social media that Bidemi Kosoko had birthed a baby girl. 


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