White pizza shop racist charged with ethnic intimidation

Celebrity Gig

Crackers on a white ceramic plate on a white background

Source: Ira Damayanti / Getty


The culture war in AmeriKKKa rages on and white folks are clearly on the losing side. Over and over and over again we see viral videos of them showing their entire untanned a**es as they rail against any minority group who isn’t a cishet caucasian Christian.

A clip is currently circulating on social media that shows a grade-A Karen going full white grievance on an innocent, Hispanic, pizza shop owner in the Philadelphia area. According to a Daily Beast report, the video was uploaded to TikTok but a user named @kellyflores765 and has been viewed millions of times at this point.

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After this clip was shared by God-only-knows how many people online, the white woman was identified as Rita Bellew and the man she was bigotedly berating was one of the owners Omar Quiñonez. It’s hypocritically hilarious how these conservative types rant and rave about “freedom” and “liberty” yet make absolutely no space for anyone other than themselves to experience those things.

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Fortunately, this WASP-y bag of wilted lettuce got exactly what she deserves when Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele and Hatboro Police Chief James Gardner announced that she had been arrested and charged with ethnic intimidation and harassment. Hatboro mayor Tim Schultz spoke publicly about the incident at a city council meeting:

“As Mayor, representing the Borough of Hatboro, I am proud to live and work in a place where inclusivity is a top priority to its leadership,” he said.

We’re not sure what the potential penalty is for the charges against Bellew but we sincerely hope she pays the highest price allowed by law.

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