Texas teacher student fight in viral video

Celebrity Gig


Boy holding and touching blank screen template smart phone in the car. Smart phone screen is empty with clipping path.

Source: Daniel Llao Calvet / Getty

WTF is happening at these schools?!?

The latest episode of f***ery on your timeline comes from the “great” state of Texas where a substitute teacher at Rocky Mountain High School can be seen absolutely pummeling a student. According to WRAL, following a first period class, the unidentified teacher confiscated the unidentified student’s cell phone and when said student came for her property, all hell broke loose…

It appears that the student initiated the physical confrontation and The Nash County Public Schools policy states that teachers do have a right to defend themselves.

NCPS policy states that “if an employee is attacked by a student, the employee has the right to reasonably restrain the student and defend themselves to the point that they are free of the threat or attack.” As far as cell phone use goes, the policy code notes that “administrators may authorize individual students to use wireless communication devices for personal purposes when there is a reasonable need for such communication.”

No injuries resulted from the fight and no criminal charges have been filed, however, the police are still investigating.

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At least one teacher isn’t defending her colleague’s behavior. A substitute teacher named Bettie Atcherson told WRAL that the teacher in the video should have “contained herself”

If you’re kind to kids, even the toughest kids, if you’re kind to them and show that you love them are concerned about their well-being … 9 times of 10, you won’t have a lot of problems,” Atcherson said. “But there are always exceptions.”

With all due respect to whoever Bettie Atcherson is (hard not to assume that she’s white but we have no idea), these kids are bad as HELL. Sure, there is certainly a level of professional decorum expected but the student had already violated this woman’s physical space multiple times and was told to stop. Seems to us that she f***ed around and then found out.

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