Inspiring True-Life Tale: ‘Can You See Us?’ Premieres on Netflix, Breaking Boundaries and Hearts Worldwide

Celebrity Gig
Can You See Us

In a groundbreaking moment for Zambian cinema, the highly anticipated film, “Can You See Us?” makes its global debut on Netflix on August 27, 2023. This poignant and heartfelt story, inspired by true events, unfolds the extraordinary journey of Joseph, a young boy living with albinism.

Written and Executive Produced by the revered Zambian legend, Mr Lawrence Thompson, Directed by Kenny Roc Mumba, a recipient of the prestigious Lories Award and Promax Award, and Produced by the accomplished pan-African producer Yasmin Dodia, “Can You See Us?” is a masterpiece that transcends borders, cultures, and ethnicities.

The film, set against the backdrop of Zambia and brought to life in 2021 with the collective efforts of over 150 cast and crew members hailing from various African nations, demonstrates the unifying power of the African film industry. It sends a resounding message that Africans can indeed unite to produce world-class content.

The storyline of “Can You See Us?” follows Joseph’s tumultuous journey as he grapples with the challenges of growing up with albinism. His world takes an extraordinary turn when he discovers solace and strength in music and love. This captivating narrative not only inspires but also encourages self-discovery and celebrates diversity.

The emotional depth of the film resonates deeply with audiences, transcending cultural, religious, racial, and ethnic boundaries. It serves as a poignant reminder of the struggles faced by individuals living with albinism worldwide and champions a shift in mindset toward greater empathy and understanding.

His Excellency, the Republican President of Zambia, made history by attending the red-carpet premiere of “Can You See Us?” and becoming the first African president to do so. After the screening, he shared his impressions: “The movie ‘Can You See Us?’ is a gripping tale of a little boy’s difficult childhood. The setting, music, and cinematography were on point, though some scenes were emotional to watch.”

A remarkable highlight of the film is the outstanding performance of Thabo Kaamba, a young girl living with albinism, who fearlessly took on the role of Joseph, the central character. Her dedication to portraying a character facing challenges close to her own life is both heartwarming and commendable.

“Can You See Us?” is a testament to the power of storytelling and its ability to transcend borders. As it debuts on Netflix, it carries the hopes and dreams of African cinema to a global audience. Don’t miss this extraordinary tale of courage, love, and resilience, as Africa shares its unique story with the world.


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