Netizens school Maria chike over fear of loosing her baby daddy.

Celebrity Gig
  • Maria Chike had shared a video where she was complaining of how pregnancy hormone made her miss her baby daddy while she was pregnant with their child 
  • Her video ignited a lot of negative reactions from online users who reminded her that she would still be left the same way her baby daddy left his first wife

Maria Chike had complained in a video she posted on her social media page, saying that being pregnant had made her too emotional to the point that she was missing her partner, who had left for his hometown.

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Maria Chike expressed her sadness about her partner leaving for the village, saying that she wouldn’t have felt that way if she wasn’t pregnant.

The reality star also expressed how much she was missing him and was really upset over his absence.


Maria’s video backfired, as internet users reminded her about her partner’s past. They informed her that she would still go through the same thing Kelvin’s wife had gone through.

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Mrstareeh wrote, “This is how his wife was sad while you were servicing her man while he was away from her.”

Howw35367 wrote, “U don’t have to be sad it’s turn by turn it will be ur turn soon . first , there is someone here in Nigeria he needs to be with.”

Everythingbeautiful48, “More like you are sad because you think he’l go and do to you what he did to his wife , left her and the kids for you , don’t worry baby karma takes time, he’l be back to you for now.”

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Iameddison wrote, “Somebodies husband u mean ?? You’re just a mere baby mama n it’s a pity that a fine girl like you doesn’t have her own man.”

Lizzybae commented: ‘He will do to you what he did to his wife.’ This statement comes amidst a wave of public scrutiny following the revelation of her concerns. The online community has since delved into discussions, examining the implications of her apprehensions and expressing mixed reactions to her situation.”


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