Source: Douglas Rissing / Getty
According to NBC NewYork, two NYPD police officers opened fire against a man who allegedly jumped the subway turnstile to skip out on a $2.90 fare. Upon observing the man, officers followed him onto a platform and ordered him to stop and turn to face them. The unidentified 37-year-old is said to have been argumentative and threatened to kill the officers saying, “I’m going to kill you if you don’t stop following me.”
The report states that the man then entered the approaching train and was chased by the officers who attempted to taser him to no avail. Upon exiting the train while it was still in motion, the man allegedly charged at the officers with a knife. In response, the officers fired multiple shots that struck both the alleged attacker and several innocent bystanders including another police officer.
The 49-year-old was hit in the head. A 26-year-old woman, another bystander, also was grazed. A police officer was wounded, too. All shots were believed to be fired by the NYPD, authorities have said.
New York Mayor Eric Adams attempted to spin the narrative about what happened on Twitter and was hit with a community note that exposed his…untruthfulness.
In addition to the fact-checking community note, an independent journalist for The City named Katie Honan posted a tweet explaining the note, “The mayor’s post is community noted because he didn’t mention every person shot on the subway — including one random straphanger in critical condition after being shot in the head — was shot by police.
The 37-year-old attacker is currently listed in critical condition.