- Chidera Eggerue believes that men are not trustworthy.
- She described men as women’s highest predator.
- She stated that if a woman is encouraged to get married then it should only be done with the intentions of having her interest at heart.
Chidera Eggerue, a British Nigerian writer and fashion blogger, has shared her thoughts on the societal pressure mounted on women to get married.
Chidera Eggerue highlights the potential dangers and consequences of marriage for women.
She stated that encouraging women to get married can be a recipe for disaster.
She pointed to the alarming rates of domestic violence and abuse, suggesting that men can pose a very big threat to women’s safety.
She advocated for a more realistic approach, where women should only consider marriage if their partner is willing to transfer assets and properties to their name.
She said:
“encouraging women to get married, is like encouraging women to step one inch closer to our death”.
“If i were to get married to a man, I will only be getting married to who’s putting land, properties, and assets in my name“.
In another story, Shan George advises people to Investigate their partner’s family before marriage.
Her advice comes amidst concerns about domestic violence and spousal abuse in Nigeria.
She acknowledged the cultural dynamics that can enable perpetrators to go unpunished, while also highlighting the complexities involved in addressing such issues, particularly when love, children, and family ties are at stake.
She said:
“Based on our culture that generally gives a man more authority at home, many perpetrators (of domestic violence and spousal abuse) get away with it. Also, their spouse may have a change of mind, don’t forget that love is involved here, and children too most times, have to be considered before any action is taken by women who suffer abuse.
“I will advise that like it used to be done in the past, please do an investigation into a person’s family history, genotype, and other important issues before marriage. Some of the things that cause pressure that aggravates to abuse, most times are in the lineage.”